Bitcoin sjóðir lækka $218 milljónir í metflugi: Upplýsingar

Bitcoin sjóðir lækka $218 milljónir í metflugi: Upplýsingar
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Fyrirvari: Skoðanir sem rithöfundar okkar láta í ljós eru þeirra eigin og tákna ekki skoðanir U.Today. Fjármála- og markaðsupplýsingarnar sem gefnar eru upp á U.Today eru eingöngu ætlaðar til upplýsinga. U.Today er ekki ábyrgt fyrir neinu fjárhagslegu tjóni sem verður við viðskipti með dulritunargjaldmiðla. Framkvæmdu eigin rannsóknir með því að hafa samband við fjármálasérfræðinga áður en þú tekur fjárfestingarákvarðanir. Við teljum að allt efni sé rétt frá útgáfudegi, en tiltekin tilboð sem nefnd eru eru hugsanlega ekki lengur tiltæk.

Eins og greint frá Bloomberg, investors have withdrawn a net of $218 million from Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), marking one of the most substantial outflows the sector has experienced to date.

On Thursday, Bitcoin funds saw an overall outflow of $218 million, the fourth-worst for the slew of ETFs. This amount includes a $23 million drawdown for the Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund, the first since it began trading on Jan. 11 alongside a group of peers, including BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust. On Wednesday, BlackRock’s fund ended a 71-day string of unbroken inflows.

While the group of over a dozen ETFs shattered records on its route to accumulating combined assets of approximately $54 billion so far, demand has recently dropped.

Bitcoin ETFs, which allow investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin without the complexities of direct ownership, have been a popular choice for both seasoned and novice investors alike. 

However, the latest outflow may indicate a shift in investor sentiment. While the reasons behind the outflows remain speculative, several factors could be contributing to this cautious approach.

Significantly, the timing of the outflow coincides with a period of heightened volatility on cryptocurrency markets, characterized by sharp price fluctuations. 

Bitcoin fell to lows of $62,747 in Thursday’s trading as demand for riskier investments became dampened by diminishing optimism for Federal Reserve interest rate cuts.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin was up 0.86% in the last 24 hours to $64,498, down from a record high of $73,798 set in mid-March. Hong Kong is set to launch spot-crypto ETFs next week, which some view as a potential cause for heightened volatility.

Despite the outflow from U.S. Bitcoin ETFs, the long-term outlook for Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market remains positive, with increased institutional acceptance and ongoing interest from ordinary investors fueling market development and innovation. 

While short-term swings are to be expected, market participants remain optimistic about the long-term potential of Bitcoin and digital assets. 
