RFK Jr. leitast við að setja bandaríska fjárhagsáætlun á Blockchain

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to put the entire US budget on the blockchain.
  • This could increase transparency and put the government under more scrutiny.
  • Kennedy Jr. stated that he would end the war over Bitcoin waged by the White House.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate for the upcoming United States presidential elections, plans to put the entire budget of the United States on the blockchain, attracting the attention of the digital asset sector. 

During a rally in Michigan on Sunday, Kennedy expressed his intentions of putting the “US budget on blockchain,” while adding:

“I’m going to put the entire US budget on blockchain so that any American — every American can look at every budget item in the entire budget anytime they want 24 hours a day.”

While getting every transaction on the blockchain is a hefty task, if Kennedy Jr. successfully keeps his promise, the spending of money by the US government would theoretically be put under increased scrutiny, and the lawmakers would have a higher level of accountability to the public because they could see each and every transaction. 

The presidential candidate referred to the reports of the Pentagon paying $640 per toilet seat in the 1980s and $10,000 each for the replacement of the seat covers in 2018: 

“We’re gonna have 300 million eyeballs on our budget, and if somebody is spending $16,000 for a toilet seat, everybody’s gonna know about it.”

It is important to note that Kennedy is a staunch supporter of Bitcoin and the digital asset sector. He recently stated that if elected, he would end the war that the White House has waged over Bitcoin, while also adding that Bitcoin is not so bad for the environment.

Fyrirvari: Upplýsingarnar sem birtar eru í þessari grein eru eingöngu til upplýsinga og fræðslu. Greinin felur ekki í sér fjármálaráðgjöf eða ráðgjöf af neinu tagi. Coin Edition ber ekki ábyrgð á tjóni sem verður vegna notkunar á efni, vörum eða þjónustu sem nefnd er. Lesendum er bent á að sýna aðgát áður en gripið er til aðgerða sem tengjast fyrirtækinu.

Source: https://coinedition.com/presidential-candidate-aims-to-put-us-budget-on-the-blockchain/