Top Solana Meme Coin 2024 á að vera skráð á BingX

As the Solana-based meme coins soared in Q1, reaching a market cap of $8.32B, according to the latest research, it’s no wonder that many investors and traders are drawn to the mesmerization of Solama.

For those who aren’t yet familiar with Solama, all that we can say is that this one is here to stay, and even more, in just a couple of days, it will get listed on BingX, 

So, read further and discover a new craze with 100x gains potential for the next bull run!

Why Choose Solama in the Bull Run?

Who wouldn’t want a Solana meme coin of 100X gain potential? That’s what we thought!

Since its launch on January 1, Solama has reached impressive milestones that have the potential to turn its investors and traders on their heads. As such, in just three days, Solama reached a market cap of $100M, from $1M, positioning the coin as a disruptor within the industry, as no other meme token has such fast returns for its investors.

Furthermore, when Solama had its first big push on the market, the llama-themed meme coin reached its all-time high of over $120M. That speaks volumes about its potential, community, and investor endorsement.

Drawing the line and doing Solama’s math, we see it has a low supply of only 653,868,075 tokens, officially verified by CoinMarketCap, and nearing 30.000 holders and counting more every day. So, hurry up and grab Solama while it’s hot!

- Auglýsing -

Where to Find Solama – The Best Solana Meme Coin 2024?

As briefly mentioned, starting May 7, Solama will be available on one of the major centralized exchanges, BingX. Also, their strategic plan includes multiple-tier listings in May, June, and July so that you can enjoy your summer riding 100x high.

For all its enthusiasts, Solama has already launched its native token in 7 major exchanges, such as Bitrue, BitMart, CoinEx, Mexíkó, Raydium, Júpíterog Orca.

How to buy Solama?

Buying Solama is easy as a breeze, and it’s based on a Solana-compatible wallet, like the Phantom Wallet. Then, simply use your SOL to purchase Solama and pick an exchange you choose. Once on the exchange, regardless of CEX or DEX, you simply need to swap your SOL for SOLAMA, and that’s that! 

Congrats, you are now a SOLAMA holder!

A Deeper Dive Into the Solama Ecosystem

As it only has a couple of months on the market, Solama has big plans, but let’s start from the beginning.

As already deduced, Solama is a meme-themed crypto based on the Solana blockchain. Thus, it benefits from Solana’s high speed-low fees ratio, smart contract functionalities, and many other perks that made Solana skyrocket. 

Solama is set to be the best Solana meme coin of 2024, taking the burden of gas fees, network congestion, and other pitfalls off traders’ shoulders. And what better way to do it, if not through a fun and engaging llama-themed game?

The basic line is that Solama is completely community-driven, and anyone can participate in its growth, either through the gameplay or Solama Trends, its merchandise store.

Regarding plans and strategies, Solama has already partnered with AssetDash og WhaleInsider and plans to increase its add-ons into the market next month.

Vertu stilltur

If you want to check out the games, merch store, and its plans, check Solama’s Opinber vefsíða og fylgist með verkefninu Telegram, X (Twitter) og Instagram to be part of the community.

Fyrirvari: Þessi fréttatilkynningargrein er veitt af viðskiptavininum. Viðskiptavinurinn ber einn ábyrgð á innihaldi þessarar síðu, gæðum, nákvæmni, vörum, auglýsingum eða öðru efni. Lesendur ættu að gera eigin rannsóknir áður en þeir grípa til aðgerða sem tengjast efninu sem er aðgengilegt á þessari síðu. Crypto Basic er ekki ábyrgt fyrir nákvæmni upplýsinga og hvers kyns tjóni eða tjóni sem stafar af eða meint er af völdum notkunar eða treysta á efni, vörur eða þjónustu sem nefnd eru í þessari fréttatilkynningargrein.

Vinsamlegast athugaðu að The Crypto Basic styður ekki eða styður neitt efni eða vöru á þessari síðu. Við ráðleggjum lesendum eindregið að stunda eigin rannsóknir áður en þeir bregðast við upplýsingum sem birtar eru hér og axla fulla ábyrgð á ákvörðunum sínum. Þessi grein ætti ekki að teljast fjárfestingarráðgjöf.

Afneitun ábyrgðar: Þetta efni er til upplýsinga og ætti ekki að teljast fjármálaráðgjöf. Skoðanir sem settar eru fram í þessari grein geta falið í sér persónulegar skoðanir höfundar og endurspegla ekki skoðun The Crypto Basic. Lesendur eru hvattir til að gera ítarlegar rannsóknir áður en þeir taka fjárfestingarákvarðanir. Crypto Basic ber ekki ábyrgð á fjárhagslegu tapi.

