X reikning Tom Hollands hakkað fyrir NFT kynningar

Tom Holland, known for being inactive on social media, was confused when a post promoting NFTs was shared from his account. 

When the post first went public, people were sceptical that Holland would endorse crypto, leading to speculation that his account was hacked. However, many related fans also tweeted that the post was possibly a scam.

How Did The Hacker Proceed?

The hacker changed Holland’s bio to include a link related to the supposed partnership, and also posted a selfie of an unknown person, potentially the hacker. The caption of the post referenced a scene from the early 2000s Spider-Man movie directed by Sam Raimi, starring Tobey Maguire.

Netizens had mixed reactions to the incident, with some relieved when it became apparent that Holland didn’t endorse the cryptocurrency, while others made jokes about the situation. Moreover, some also wondered why the hacker didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to create fake teasers for Spider-Man 4.

Deleted post of Tom Holland 

On April 16th, 2024, Holland posted a tweet on his X/Twitter account announcing a partnership with username_1 for the launch of Spiderverse. The tweet included a Spider-Verse-themed link, spiderverse.app, and encouraged fans to sign up for early access to $SPIDER coin and Spiderverse NFTs.

Tom Has Never Been Involved With Crypto

Despite never having promoted cryptocurrency before, Holland’s absence from social media made his account an easy target for hackers. The initial tweet promoting Spiderverse NFTs was eventually taken down, but the link remained in Holland’s bio.

Tom Holland’s X account, which has over 7 million followers, was hacked by bad actors to promote SPIDER cryptocurrency and Spiderverse NFTs in collaboration with the Binance exchange. 

The Mysterious Hacker

The compromised account was linked to a fraudulent website. Moreover, the post that was deleted earlier showed a masked person with an inverted face reveal. The person had curly hair and could potentially be the hacker. 

The caption of the post read, “would u kiss me while i hang from my web xxx,” referencing the iconic upside-down kiss from the original Tobey Maguire-led Spider-Man movie. The timing of this hack is coinciding with Sam Raimi’s 2002 directorial’s return to select movie theatres on April 15.

Fans Started Creating Memes

Fans took this opportunity to create memes about the situation. Some tweets read, “How do you hack Tom Holland’s X account and make the stupidest tweets ever instead of having ur chance to fake tease Spider-Man 4 and go crazy?” On the other hand, others were relieved that the beloved web-slinger had not fallen prey to the crypto scheme.


Tom Holland’s social media account was recently hacked to promote NFTs, causing confusion among fans who know him to be inactive on social media. People initially suspected that his account was hacked as he has never endorsed cryptocurrency before. Memes by fans did rounds on X.

Afneitun ábyrgðar

Skoðanir og skoðanir sem höfundurinn, eða fólk sem nefnt er í þessari grein, er aðeins til upplýsinga. Þeir koma ekki á fót fjármála-, fjárfestingar- eða annarri ráðgjöf. Fjárfesting í eða viðskipti með hlutabréf, s eða tengdar vísitölur fylgja áhættu á fjárhagslegu tapi.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2024/04/17/crypto-scam-tom-hollands-x-account-hacked-for-nft-promotions/